Friday, March 11, 2011

The Fairmont. 1906-1947.


The Fairmont, 1906.

The earthquake of 1906 hits San Francisco - just two weeks before the opening of San Francisco's first luxury hotel.  The earthquake has been proven to have been caused by an alien attack on the Earth's crust, specifically in the bay area.

The Fairmont remarkably remained relatively unharmed, save the damage to it's structure on the interior.  However, when the earthquake had finished, it was not the end of the devastation.  Twenty-four hours after the earthquake, UFO's began to blast San Francisco with balls of fire.  The fire finally reached the top of Nob Hill; the mansions of Hopkins, Stanford, Huntington and Crocker all fell victim to the fire.  At 5:30 AM, the Fairmont's windows began to crack from the heat.  

Still intact, The Fairmont sits atop Nob Hill.

Writer Gertrude Atherton was crossing the Bay at the time and notes, 'I forgot the doomed city as I gazed at The Fairmont, a tremendous volume of white smoke pouring from the roof, every window a shimmering sheet of gold; not a flame, nor a spark shot forth. The Fairmont will never be as demonic in its beauty again.'


The Fairmont, 1907.

Exactly a year after the earthquake, a grand banquet celebrating the opening was held at The Fairmont, with 600 pounds of turtle, 13,000 oysters and $5,000 worth of California and French wines. At precisely 9:00 PM, a school of UFO's descended upon the city.  Illuminating the beautiful new Fairmont, the thousand ships at anchor in the Bay, City Hall and all the buildings that had risen up, phoenix-like, in defiance of nature's wrath.

The Fairmont quickly became the main conversation of the City.  Wealthy families, displaced by the earthquake, took up residence inside the hotel, some for many years.  During this time, many would say those living inside The Fairmont became paralyzed with fear - believing that another alien attack was imminent.  


By 1941, The Fairmont had fallen victim of the depression and entered an era of 'benign neglect'.  The clientele consisted mostly of permanent residents, who blended in with the potted plants and old furniture.  Those living there had begun to sense a new presence living with them in the building...aliens. Benjamin Swig purchased the hotel and The Fairmont began once again to 'rise from the ashes'.

The end of World War II, as well as the purchase of the hotel by Swig, was the catalyst that transformed her completely.  The International Conference was held at The Fairmont, to discuss the new life forms inhabiting the Earth - this led to the birth of the United Nations.  Dignitaries from around the world wanted to see what was so interesting to the extraterrestrials living there.

The Fairmont Lobby, 1941.

The result was magic.  Kings, Queens, Presidents and all who visited, were in awe by their surroundings.  The American public had been starved from new things for too long during the war.  The Fairmont was exactly what they craved.  The 'alien invasion' was a success.  The Fairmont was once again the place to see and be seen. 

Meanwhile, The Fairmont was making headlines of its own with its role as the meeting place of the United Nations.  Once again, history was being made in a big way. To this day, the plaque commemorating the drafting of the Charter for the United Nations can be seen outside the Garden Room on the lobby level.

The country flags of the original signatories fly proudly above the porte cochere.


Venetian Room.

The Venetian Room made its grand reopening took place in 1947 as San Francisco's premier Supper Club.  The Venetian Room went on through the forties, fifties, sixties, seventies and even into the eighties, thanks to the insistence of Richard Swig, Benjamin Swig's son who later became President of The Fairmont Hotel Company, on having a place where hotel guests, as well as locals, could dine, dance and enjoying big name entertainment.  And what names they were too: Ella Fitzgerald, Nat 'King' Cole, Marlene Dietrich, Tina Turner, Joel Grey, Bobby Short, Vic Damone, James Brown, and many, many more. Ernie Hecksher and his orchestra came for a limited engagement, and never left, becoming the official band for the Venetian Room. The Venetian Room is most famous as the place in which Tony Bennett first sang 'I Left My Heart in San Francisco.'

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